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Testing available

General pathology testing

I work with blending the very best of conventional medicine and Natural medicine, and find pathology gives me a lot of information to work with when assessing your health plan.

I aim for optimal ranges. Many times your blood test results show that you’re in the “normal range”, but that doesn’t mean they are in the range that’s “optimal” for your health and longevity.


Optimal ranges are evidence-based ranges that are associated with the lowest risk of disease and mortality. These can help you manage risk, and the all-important prevention of disease.

As I always say “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!”

Now available private direct testing-ask me

See here:

- You can bring your previous results, or I can assess what is needed with your consultations, and recommend testing either through your GP, or private testing (no GP required, small cost to pay)

Vitamin D testing

- Very important for fighting viruses, strengthening bones and many other health conditions.

Its important to get tested annually. Contact me to arrange the test-I will receive the results by e-result viewer, and can forward them to you. I can then advise you on suitable supplement plan.

My short consult fee to arrange, and report results is just $32.

see Vitamin D testing info

I aim for levels>80 nmol/L

Help for fighting COVID-here's research studies:

H.Pylori stool testing
$99, + lab collection fee

Often connected to low iron storage, ferritin, and a common cause for stomach discomfort, and Ulcers. Easy test to do to eliminate this as a contributor.

see link

Email me to arrange 

Hormonal testing
Dried urine - better for assessing active hormones

This test provides a focused overview of the hormonal cascade of both male and female hormones.

Hormone imbalances are associated with numerous symptoms and health

conditions. Assessing and diagnosing these changes are important to decrease

unnecessary suffering and prevent degenerative diseases, while guiding the practitioners therapeutic choices.

Estrogen Essential Profile Dried Urine Hormone Profile (Test Code 1506)

see more

Email me to arrange

Urinary iodine 

Iodine Deficiency is the commonest worldwide cause of thyroid disorders. A low iodine diet can cause hypothyroidism, an enlarged thyroid gland (goitre) and can affect fertility, pregnancy and neuro-developmental disorders in newborns. Research has indicated that severe iodine deficiency has more than quadrupled in Australia over the last 20 years; increasing from 2.6% to 11.7%. Even more disconcerting is the observation that nearly half of the pregnant women in these areas also have this mineral deficiency

Common Conditions:Hypothyroidism, Decreased fertility, Fibrocystic breast disease, Oestrogen imbalance, Fatigue, Depression, Weight gain.

The measurement of urinary iodine (IU) provides an accurate approximation of dietary iodine intake. The majority of iodine that is ingested (90%) is excreted via the urine. When there is an adequate amount of iodine in the body to support various bodily systems, the body offsets excess by excreting it in the urine.  UI measurements provide a biological indicator of Iodine deficiency disorders by determining whether the body has sufficient levels.

see here for info-24 hour test

OR  random Urine Iodine test

email me to arrange

What else do I recommend? A bone density test- Dexascan. Starting around age 40-50 yrs. Speak with your Doctor to request, especially if Osteoporosis "runs in the family"> after 50, women's hormones decline, and bone density is often lost, so a baseline is helpful, and as bone take a few year to "re-build" the earlier you start the better your chances of aging with strong bones

More info here

click here for exercises to strengthen bones

Mood disorder appraisal quiz and supplement recommendations

The Mood Disorder Appraisal (MDA) assists me with determining potential chemical imbalances contributing to your moods.


It is designed as a tool to help me as a practitioners identify which neurotransmitter pathways may benefit from support. The questions in the MDA screen a patient’s health status, particularly focused on mood, behaviors, stress and neurotransmitter balance. 

Through a simple questionnaire which is emailed directly to you. You then complete the questions in your own time. The 66 multiple choice questions take around 15-20 minutes to answer.


Once completed, you can simply click 'submit' and the appraisal results will be emailed immediately to me for interpretation.

The results are displayed in a colour coded bar graph which highlights potential deficiencies from most to least deficient.


This graph simplifies the identification of pathways and nutrients required to support these pathways. Together with other testing and in consultation, I formulate a plan to get your brain working at it’s optimum.

Email me to arrange

Blood Test
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